Monday, April 2, 2012

About Me

My name is Mary Katherine and I am currently enrolled at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. I am a junior and I am an Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies Major with a minor in Elementary Education. I will be receiving my Masters of Arts in Teaching for elementary education at James Madison University. I will be licensed to teach in preschool/kindergarten through sixth grade. So far I have completed the following Education classes: 
EDUC 300: Foundations of American Education
ELED 308: Child Development: Birth through Adolescence
ECED 372: Introduction to Early Childhood Education
ELED 310: Diversity in Elementary Education (with service learning practicum)
*For my service learning practicum, I tutored within a 5th grade math class at Thomas Harrison Middle School in Harrisonburg, Virginia. 
ELED 311: Practicum with a Focus on Learners and Learning
READ 366: Early Literacy Development & Acquisition
I completed my first practicum experience at John Wayland Elementary School in Rockingham County in Bridgewater, Virginia. I was placed in a 1st grade classroom. I attended the school every Tuesday from 8:00-4:00 for an entire semester. While in my practicum, I have completed a case study of one of the children. I analyzed the child's social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and language development. I have also completed a co-inquiry project where I considered the question, What is the Role of Language on Literacy Development Based on the Cognitive Perspective? I also have volunteered with Blast Off at Smithland Elementary School in Harrisonburg, Virginia. This is an after school program where the students work on their homework. I helped students in 3rd grade with their homework. 
 I am also a part of Shenandoah Valley Reading Council and Association for Childhood Education International.

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