Inquiry Project

I am going to work with Logan on my inquiry project since we both worked with the fourth grade. We noticed how the teachers and students incorporated diversity in every subject at school. It was not just a theme within the entire school, but it was also incorporated into every subject within the classroom. Also the fourth grader's big end of the year concert incorporated diversity by talk and dance and song.
Here is the breakdown of subjects where we saw diversity
Math: they know the metric and English measuring system
         -they made maps using parallel and perpendicular lines of their various countries
Science: -they wrote about the environment using English and their own native language
Social Studies: - they were studying about various dynasties around the world
English: -they had to write a letter to a teacher using English and another language
The arts: -Their big show incorporate songs in Chinese, African, American, and many others. Also the students talked in different languages showing their acceptance of each other's diversity. And finally they did a dance from various countries including Russia, India, and America.

 These are signs some of the children held up during the concert. As you can see some of the languages include: Arabic and Portuguese. 

 Here is an example of one of the maps. 
 Even the cafeteria celebrated diversity with the variety of flags hanging from the ceiling. 

These are from the science projects. 

Logan and I collect pictures and video of the students to document this diversity within the 4th grade classroom in a variety of different subject areas.

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